Global Settings

Global Settings

Global Settings

The Global Settings page allows you to decide certain information that you would like to see on the system, for example if you want to see parent's comments and likes in the live feed, the currency you use on the system, and where you want your logo to appear etc.

The Global Settings section is available on the web version only, if you do not know how to login to the web version of your system click here for instructions.

Setup your Global Settings

To setup your Global Settings on the web follow the instructions below:

After logging in to the web version of the system place your mouse over the System icon and then click on Global Settings (1), you will then be taken to the Global Settings page (2), from here you can decide the settings you want to use on your system.

Read the help section at the top of the page and watch the help tour for additional instructions for this section.

Help Video

Shown below is an instructional help video on how to setup the Global Settings on the system.

Scan the QR code to the right to view this help video on a mobile device, for example a mobile phone or tablet.

Global Settings

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